G&J Tree and Stump Total Landscaping care
Sometimes a picture is worth
More than a thousand words.
(540)899-3852 (703)323-5103
Stump Removal Tree Surgery
Quality work Reasonable rates
Same Day Next Day Service
Gene Hopson eugenehopson@live.com
I ground this stump from storm damage across burke station rd. Power was out from this fallen mature oak tree on my street!
Now tree is cut cleared and firewooded
24 Hour Emergency Tree Service GJTREETLC.COM
Lot Clearing Shrubbery Care Leaf Removal Dead Wooding Fence Repair and Instalation
Expert Tree Climbing Crown Cleaning
Handyman Service
Junk Hauling
Feeding Planting Mowing Leaf Removal
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snow removal retirement home
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This oak was going to fall on a fence. So , take the fence down first.
Visit website GJTREETLC..COM
4210 Burke Station Rd Fairfax Va 22032
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